AWeCCA is pleased to announce the release of its annual newsletter. This shows the activities that the organisation has carried out throughout the year of 2024. The newsletter can be accessed here.
Organization Principles
To engage in research, outreach and education that fosters good welfare practices and sustainable ethical interactions of animals, humans and environment
Africa with high welfare standards for all animals
Core Values
Care, Integrity, Excellence, Transparency, Team work, Innovation, Accountability
The Animal welfare competence center for Africa, is born out of the need to further accelerate animal welfare improvement efforts in Africa. Animal Welfare has been underestimated as an effective driver of development especially among animal based economies, adressing challenges related to one Health, climate change, food security, food safety, prevention of epidemics and pandemics.
Quick Statistics
Of 54 countries in Africa, 80% are dependant on animal agriculture
D Score
Best animal welfare country scores a D on the animal protection index by world animal protection
< 100 Universities
Less than 100 Universities in Africa offering degrees in animal science.
Over 16,300 species are believed to be endangered, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)